Honeybees suckle on the tapped out tulips
Sunflower petals start to wane
Children rush beside and almost trip upon the stone
Mothers cry out fearful of the stain
Oleander spills barrels of apricots
Brimful are the wandering olfact wells
Ivy vines redecorate their weather worn homes
The spiders, ever quiet, weave their spells
The elms and the maples and the great red oaks
Know the change will be here sooner than they want
The pines share a laugh and they taunt it always is
And tease they’re all a bunch of blissful debutantes
Late we stay, deep into the dusk
The crickets weep in tune under the willows
Swimming in fireflies that match the music of the stars
As the Maestro holds the rhythm of le Grande Composè
I confess
’ d’n’t know what an Artist was
Until I saw the Light
Reflecting off the moonshine shine
Shine down from its great height
Reflecting off the quiet lake
And off my eye and back
And off the face of those sweet waters
And into mine eye black
Upon all things on all the ærth
On all souls wrapped in their cocoon
Our dancing breath must reflect some unknown writ of being
On the other side of Time’s last swoon
From no where and from everywhere
My body began to release all wrong
In the stillness of that long kiss good night
I began to hear the Song